Wednesday, September 11, 2013

WOODTV website critique

Wood TV Website Critique


  • The website is designed to be user friendly, in that they have created tabs at the top of the website which group content to make topics more accessible.
  • The site is built in a scroll-friendly way, which was obvious because as I started at the top of the site, my eyes were drawn down the site from topic to topic.  Photos and headlines were helpful in pulling me from the top to the bottom of the site.
  • The site does a god job in prioritizing news in that bigger news that would concern a larger population is first to catch the eye, along with other big stories that are accompanied with audio and video.
  • There is a lot of information that has been well placed above the fold line to make it immediately viewable, including the title of the site, major stories, and headers.
  • Visually, the site is boring, which may be suitable for a news website, but still lacks basic principles like contrast, and repetition which are good tools for attracting the viewer's eye.
  • Advertisements take up a good amount of space and are styled similarly to the site's content, which makes them distracting.

1 comment:

  1. Good analysis, especially your comment about the headlines pulling you down the page.
